are some quotes concerning
UFOs from experts in various fields...
- "A recurring theme in the abduction scenario is the delivery of detailed messages to abductees. The messages delivered to abductees are typically done by telepathic (mind to mind) conversation....In some cases, abductees report being shown scenes or messages on large screens within the alien craft. These messages are usually horrific prophetic scenarios about impending cataclysmic events on Earth and the destruction of Earth due to environmental degradation. In some cases overt religious messages are given to abductees. These messages can include the notion that the aliens are our creators, that they are trying to advance our evolution through these breeding experiments, and that mankind must unify-with their assistance-into a system of global governance and religion in order to survive the future cataclysms." - Missler & Eastman, Alien Abductions, pp. 108-109
- "I think the stage is set for the appearance of new faiths, centred on the UFO belief. To a greater degree than all phenomena modern science is confronting, the UFO can inspire awe, the sense of the smallness of man, and an idea of the possibility of contact with the cosmic. The religions we have briefly surveyed began with the miraculous experiences of one person, but to-day there are thousands for whom the belief in otherworldly contact is based on intimate conviction, drawn from what they regard as personal contact with UFOs and their occupants." -Jacques Vallee, Dimensions, 1989, p.192.
- "...Further, in light of the messages given by the UFO entities, how credible is it to think that literally thousands of genuine extraterrestrials would fly millions or billions of light years simply to teach New Age philosophy, deny Christianity, and support the occult? Why would they do this with the preponderance of such activity already occurring on this planet? And why would the entities actually possess and inhabit people (as in Walk-ins and channeling) just like demons do if they were really advanced extraterrestrials? Why would they consistently lie about things which we know are true, and why would they purposely deceive their contacts?" - John Ankerberg & John Weldon, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, 1992 .p13.
- "But the UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial visitors. It actually moulds itself in order to fit a given culture."-John Ankerberg, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, p. 10
- "Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception."-Dr. Jacques Vallee, Messengers of Deception, p. 20
- "We are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon which is largely indigenous to planet earth."-Brad Steiger, [cited in] Blue Book Files Released in Canadian UFO Report, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1977, p. 20
- "We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises itself as an extra-terrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us."-Terrence McKenna [from a lecture]
- "One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are interstellar spaceships."-Arthur C. Clarke, New York Times Book Review, 07/27/75
- "There seems to be no evidence yet that any of these craft or beings originate from outer space."-Gordon Creighton, Official 1992 Flying Saucer Review Policy Statement
- "A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomena like poltergeist [ghost] manifestation and 'possession.' Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena."-Lynn E. Catoe, UFOs and Related Subjects: USGPO, 1969; prepared under AFOSR Project Order 67-0002 and 68-0003
- "UFO behaviour is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it... the modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical."-Dr. Pierre Guerin, FSR Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 13-14
- "The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon..."-John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p. 299
- "Studies of flying saucer cults repeatedly show that they are part of a larger occult social world."-Stupple & McNeece, 1979 MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings, p.49
- "The 'medical examination' to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks."-Dr. Jacques Vallee, Confrontations, p. 13
- "The symbolic display seen by the abductees is identical to the type of initiation ritual or astral voyage that is imbedded in the [occult] traditions of every culture... the structure of abduction stories is identical to that of occult initiation rituals...the UFO beings of today belong to the same class of manifestation as the [occult] entities that were described in centuries past."-Dr. Jacques Vallee citing the extensive research of Bertrand Meheust [Science-Fiction et Soucoupes Volantes (Paris, 1978); Soucoupes Volantes et Folklore (Paris, 1985)], in Confrontations, p. 146, 159-161
- "[The occultist] is brought into intelligent communication with the spirits of the air, and can receive any knowledge which they possess, or any false impression they choose to impart...the demons seem permitted to do various wonders at their request."-G.H. Pember, Earth's Earliest Ages and Their Connection with Modern Spiritualism and Theosophy (1876), p. 254
- "These entities are clever enough to make Strieber think they care about him. Yet his torment by them never ceases. Whatever his relationship to the entities, and he increasingly concludes that their involvement with him is something 'good,' he also remains terrified of them and uncertain as to what they are."-John Ankerberg, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, p. 21
- "I became entirely given over to extreme dread. The fear was so powerful that it seemed to make my personality completely evaporate... 'Whitley' ceased to exist. What was left was a body and a state of raw fear so great that it swept about me like a thick, suffocating curtain, turning paralysis into a condition that seemed close to death...I died and a wild animal appeared in my place."-Whitley Strieber, Communion, p. 25-26
- "Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more than life and death. It might be a struggle for my soul, my essence, or whatever part of me might have reference to the eternal. There are worse things than death, I suspected... so far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me...Alone at night I worried about the legendary cunning of demons ...At the very least I was going stark, raving mad."-Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 44-45
- "I wondered if I might not be in the grip of demons, if they were not making me suffer for their own purposes, or simply for their enjoyment."-Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 172
- "I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there [in the presence of the entities], and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, couldn't get away. I'd lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were here and I couldn't get away."-Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 181
- "Why were my visitors so secretive, hiding themselves behind my consciousness. I could only conclude that they were using me and did not want me to know why...What if they were dangerous? Then I was terribly dangerous because I was playing a role in acclimatising people to them."-Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 96
- "..If for the sake of argument we grant that life on Earth was seeded by ancient extraterrestrials, then the obvious question is , Who or what created our extraterrestrials creators? Some would argue that they were, in turn sprinkled (created) by an even more ancient race of ET's. Well, where did they come from? An infinite regression back in time of "alien sprinklings" will not do, because the universe is finite.." Missler & Eastman, Alien Encounters, p.141.
- "We believe that the cultural preparations (or deliberate conditioning) of the world to view our alien visitors as powerful and highly evolved saviours makes the UFO phenomena the perfect motif for the Antichrist to exploit when he ascends to power. His ability to perform supernatural signs and wonders, his comprehensive plan for the peaceful unification of mankind and his connection to or origin from god-like alien entities will engender the masses to follow him into the biggest deception in history." -Missler & Eastman, Alien Encounters, pp. 295-2
''A spectre haunts the democratic nations- the spectre of TECHNOFASCISM''...
''PSYCHOELECTRONICS...this research may prove key to our understanding
of the UFO abduction phenomenon''. -Martin Cannon, The Controllers
of the UFO abduction phenomenon''. -Martin Cannon, The Controllers
“Let me summarise my conclusions. UFOs are real. They are an application of psychotronic technology; that is, that they are physical devices used to affect human consciousness. They may not be from outer space; they may, in fact, be terrestrial-based manipulating. Their purpose may be to achieve social changes on this planet. Their methods are those of deception: systematic manipulation of witnesses and contactees; covert use of various sects and cults; control of the channels through which alleged ‘space messages’ can make an impact on the public.''
- Dr. Jacques Vallee, Messengers of Deception
...the part to be played by the "counter-initiation" must again be referred to:
after having worked always in the shadow
to inspire and direct invisibly all modern movements,
it will in the end contrive to "exteriorize", if that is the right word,
something that will be as it were the counterpart of a true tradition,
at least as completely and as exactly as it can be so within
the limitations necessarily inherent in all possible counterfeits as such....
- Rene Guenon, The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times
''Science fiction is a means of conditioning the masses to
accept future visions that the elite wish to tangibly enact.''
- Philip Coppens,The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship, 2005
''Predictive programming works by means of the propagation
of the illusion of an infallibly accurate vision of how the world
is going to look in the future.''-Michael Hoffman
'' It will be a case where the cover-up is the disclosure
and the disclosure is the cover-up.''
-Gen. Nathan Twining, Joint chief of staff, U.S. Air Force
...the part to be played by the "counter-initiation" must again be referred to:
after having worked always in the shadow
to inspire and direct invisibly all modern movements,
it will in the end contrive to "exteriorize", if that is the right word,
something that will be as it were the counterpart of a true tradition,
at least as completely and as exactly as it can be so within
the limitations necessarily inherent in all possible counterfeits as such....
- Rene Guenon, The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times
''Science fiction is a means of conditioning the masses to
accept future visions that the elite wish to tangibly enact.''
- Philip Coppens,The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship, 2005
''Predictive programming works by means of the propagation
of the illusion of an infallibly accurate vision of how the world
is going to look in the future.''-Michael Hoffman
'' It will be a case where the cover-up is the disclosure
and the disclosure is the cover-up.''
-Gen. Nathan Twining, Joint chief of staff, U.S. Air Force

Men's and women's visions of angels—which seem to have occurred throughout
the medieval period (and even into the twentieth century, according to
some)—fall into three categories, which often overlap. The angels can come as
visions of the afterlife, messengers and administers of tests, or comforters and
miracle workers (angelic appearances at death and in war are special categories).
the medieval period (and even into the twentieth century, according to
some)—fall into three categories, which often overlap. The angels can come as
visions of the afterlife, messengers and administers of tests, or comforters and
miracle workers (angelic appearances at death and in war are special categories).
After considering each of these major categories, it will
be useful to examine another somewhat frequent type of spiritual encounter, the
manifestation of a demon in the guise of an angel...
be useful to examine another somewhat frequent type of spiritual encounter, the
manifestation of a demon in the guise of an angel...
- Angels and angelology in the middle ages. David Keck
with black magic. The phenomenon preys upon the
neurotic, the gullible, and the immature. Paranoidschizophrenia,
demonomania, and even suicide can
result—and has resulted in a number of cases. A mild
curiosity about UFOs can turn into a destructive
obsession. For this reason, I strongly recommend that
parents forbid their children from becoming involved.
Schoolteachers and other adults should not encourage
teenagers to take an interest in the subject....
... This mental (and also emotional)
manipulation is the key to our mystery.
Possession occurs in both good and evil forms.
Possession is part of the overall manifestation.
Many contactees display the classic symptoms of possession...
...The elementals or ultraterrestrials are somehow able to
manipulate the electrical circuits of the human mind. They
can make us see whatever they want us to see and
remember only what they want us to remember.
- John Keel, Why Ufo's
alien encounter experience seems almost like an outreach program from
the cosmos to the consciously impaired.... What if the alien encounter
phenomenon were subtle in the sense that it may manifest in the
physical world but derives from a source which by its very nature could
not provide the kind of hard evidence that would satisfy skeptics for
whom reality is limited to the material? What if we were to acknowledge
that the phenomenon is beyond our present framework of knowledge?
Might not such an attitude of humility become, paradoxically, a
way to enlarge upon what could then be learned? Is it possible that
adopting an open attitude toward the testimony of witnesses could enable
us to learn of unseen realities now obscured by our too limited
epistemology, allowing us to rediscover the sacred and the divinity in
nature and in ourselves?I think of these experiences as a crossing over between the material world and what in Eastern philosophy is called the subtle realm. Like a reified “mystic's journey,” experiencers describe being brought into another dimension of reality from which a new perspective on life on Earth is possible. Sensitivity to our dysfunctional ecological and social conditions emerges as many come to feel that every living system is connected to what many call “Source,” or “Home.” An awareness of this relationship must be regained, they say, if we are to create a sustainable, peaceful world. Having listened to the similar testimony of more than 200 experiencers from the West and from indigenous cultures, I have come to feel that the phenomenon is of great importance to our evolution, regardless of its ontological status.- Dr. John Mack
As we know from ancient Egyptian history, they (UFO'S)
are manifestations of psychic changes which always appear
at the end of one Platonic month (ERA) and at the
beginning of another. Apparently they are changes in the
constellation of psychic dominants, of the archetypes, or
'gods' as they used to be called, which bring about, or accompany,
long-lasting transformations of the collective psyche. The
transformation started in the historical era and left its
traces first in the passing of the aeon of Taurus into
that of Aries, and then of Aries into Pisces, whose
beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity. We are
now nearing that great change which may be expected when
the spring point enters Aquarius."- Carl Jung

' But if it (UFO) is a case of psychological 'projection', there must be a psychic
cause for it. One can hardly suppose that anything of such world-
wide incidence as the UFO legend is purely fortuitous and of no
importance whatever...in this case a psychological situation
common to all mankind. The basis for this kind of rumour is an
emotional tension having its cause in a situation of collective
distress or danger...This condition undoubtedly exists today, in
so far as the whole world is suffering under the strain of
Russian policies and their still unpredictable consequences. In
the individual, too, such phenomena ..only occur when he is
suffering from a psychic dissociation, when there is a split
between the conscious attitude and the unconcious contents
opposed to it. Precisely because the conscious mind does not know
about them and is therefore confronted with a situation from
which there seems to be no way out, these strange contents cannot
be integrated directly but seek to express themselves indirectly,
thus giving rise to unexpected and apparently inexplicable
opinions, beliefs, illusions, visions, and so forth.'' - Carl Jung
“The symbol embodies a whole set of relations or, to be more specific,
it is the point where a huge web of psychological relations converge.
To fully understand the symbol is to sense at once all of its relations
to other objects of perceptual experience. In other words, visual
symbols play a role in a psychological language. (Here, I again invoke
the concept of language since language is essentially an information
system not restricted to words alone. Language, in the abstract way in
which I refer to it, is a system of informational elements bearing
definite relations with one another; hence a language of words,
of molecules, of symbols, etc...
...Such universally powerful visionary symbols can be thought of as
expressions in the dictionary of a ‘higher’ language connected with the
human psyche. What I mean by ‘higher’ is that the visual elements in
this language are far more rich in meaning and informational content
than the words of our spoken language. Moreover, the direct perception
of visionary symbols choreographed together
in a movie-like fashion— as occurs in the entheogenic state—
is to experience meaning in perhaps
its purest, most informationally rich way. To partake of a visionary
dialogue is to be overwhelmed by the direct apprehension of naked,
unmuddled meaning, which arises as a consequence of the highly
integrative informational processes liberated by shamanic compounds...
...Such types of symbol can therefore be considered elements of a high
language, a language not of the individual ego-driven mind but of the
communicating Other. The symbols are amalgamated concentrations of
information coming to life in a mind illuminated by visionary alkaloids.
Or, to us Huxley’s terminology, the informational forms are
transmitted via the psilocybinetic brain. In either case, a Great
Spirit, a sacred presence, or Gaian Other reveals itself as being no
less than a tremendously vast system of confluential information flowing
through the psychedelically enhanced neuronal hardware of the human
cortex. As information ‘struggles’ to integrate, ever more coalescent
forms emerge, and these are experienced as the felt presence of the
Other actively communicating in a language of potent visual imagery.
Information appears as if alive and intent upon self-organization.” - Simon Powell
True Hallucinations by Terrence Mckenna
Chapter 20: The Oversoul as Saucer

Imagine, therefore, what you may never have seriously imagined before. Imagine what would happen if the UFOs were to appear. Imagine a spaceship of the close encounters of the third kind variety suddenly appearing in orbit around the Earth. Television and mass media would carry its image to every man, woman and child on the planet. Governments would be paralyzed. Science would be helpless to explain where it came from or how it got here. Millenarian hysteria would break out everywhere. The UFO would be hailed as savior and denounced as antichrist. The end of the world would appear imminent, and all this would occur before the contact was more than a visual image. Then the UFO would begin its revelation. Vast displays of beneficent power can be expected. Perhaps it would mysteriously neutralize all weapons of mass destruction, or it might use some sort of ray to cure all terrestrial cancer. Whatever it does one may be sure that its actions will be impressive. Its actions will convert millions to the UFO religion in a space of hours.
Indeed, its actions will be specifically designed to overwhelm
us with the reality of its power and presence.
That will close the first stage of the revelation.
The second stage will be the teachings. Telepathically imparted, the specifics of the teachings cannot be anticipated, but they will urge love, voluntary simplicity, concern for one another, renunciation of war, perhaps renunciation of the destructive application of science. Whatever the teachings, the UFO will promise immense reward to those who follow them and dire consequences for those who do not.
And the teachings will be delivered in so poetically perfect a way,
so rich in understanding and appealing nuances that no one will doubt
their origin in a being wise and good
and immensely superior to ourselves.
The delivery of the teachings will set the stage for the third
and last and most shocking phase of the revelation: the departure.
The saucer, promising vaguely to return, will simply disappear. The entire process could take less than a month. If this seems a short time recall that the entire public career of Christ lasted only three years. Christ's career occured in a world where information could move no faster than a horse's gallup. Yet three years in one small part of the world was all that was necessary to launch a world religion that was vital for 1500 years. In a world of electronic communication the impact of the saucer's arrival, miracles, teaching and departure would be incalculable - even if it all occured within a month. The saucer would leave in its wake a science utterly unable to provide any answers to the important questions concerning what had gone on. The vast majority of people would be fanatical converts to the teachings of the saucer, and any institution in opposition to those teachings could expect to be swept away almost overnight. The departure of the UFO would create a sense of abandonment, the agony of which could be expected to echo in the human psyche for centuries. The only panacea would be the religion of the saucer, the religion left behind. Science would be discredited and soon abandoned in favor of a thousand or more years of exegesis of the saucerian message. Is it not a familiar pattern in the light of our discussion of Christ and Rome?
What will never be said in the wake of such an event and so must be said now while there is still time for all of the above to occur and yet still be deception. A benign deception designed to save us from our advanced science and infantile ethics, but a deception nevertheless. The saucer, no matter how alien it appears, no matter how advanced its demonstrations of power, is NOT a vehicle from some other star system, it is the oversoul of humanity up to its oldest trick. If one knows this one can live through the revelation and the destruction of our scientific world and yet evade the immense power of this most powerful of all transference phenomenon and thereby maintain the integrity of one's own soul and spirit. Remember, I am not a debunker of flying saucers or a defender of science, I am a contactee, and this book is the painstakingly told story of my own involvement with the UFOs. I am one of those Vallee has pinpointed as being a carrier of ideas that pave the way for the scenario I have just described. Yet from it all I have learned that there is no religious revelation more satisfying than the hard won fruits of simple understanding. And there is no liberation to compare with freeing oneself from the illusions and delusions of the age in which one lives.
I reach these conclusions through my use and familiarity with psilocybin and other psychedelic drugs. They immerse their user in the world of the oversoul and make one privileged to at least a part of its mechanics of operation. They allow a private dialogue with the oversoul that is outside the context of the struggle between science and revelation that leaves no choice between the alienation of the rationalist and the tired formulas of the fanatic believer. Psychedelic drugs hold out the possibility of healing the breach between science and morality at the level of the individual, thus freeing one to evolve independent of the chaos and transformation the UFOs may soon bring to humanity.
Vallee's recent book 'Messengers of Deception' vibrates with fear of the unconscious and alienation from the matrix of the larger psyche out of which rational thought has emerged. He fears the destruction of rationalism and scientific thought, yet never once does he mention the potential world wrecking crisis that the undirected development of science and technology has brought into being. He paints himself as an open-minded investigator of UFOs, yet never questions the motives of the retired and unnamed intelligence officers in which he places so much faith. It is impossible that the CIA is unaware of the social impact belief in UFOs is having? If they were unaware of it before then surely the recent writings of Vallee himself must have alerted them to the potential challenge UFO beliefs pose to orthodox institutions. Based on Vallee's own ideas of an informational struggle between rational and irrational elements, how was he able to ignore the possibility that the mutilations which he is so eager to connect with UFOs are nothing more that a govenment agency's clumsy attempt to discredit the genuine UFO phenomenon? It is a typical method of the intelligence community to discredit human groups it opposes by faking atrocities in such a way that they appear to have been committed by the group whose discrediting is sought. Vallee gives examples of this but never suspects that some government agency might be using this technique to impede the transfer of loyalties from political institutions to the UFOs. He mentions the proximity of animal mutilations to high-security government installations but never suggests this might be because such installations are the source of these mutilations. Few UFO sightings involve confusion among witnesses over whether or not what they saw was a UFO or a helicopter. Yet in the animal mutilation cases many witnesses insist a helicopter was involved. Vallee is at pains to say no physical evidence of a UFO has ever been collected. Yet later he passes over the fact that a quite ordinary surgical scalpel was found at one cattle mutilation site. It seems possible to me that some people in government have read Vallee and are familiar with his theories regarding UFOs as a factor introducing shifts in belief systems and institutional loyalties on a global scale. Without knowing what UFOs really are these persons and agencies have launched smokescreen operations designed to cast doubt on the motives and harmlessness of UFOs and so to retard or halt the shift of loyalties and beliefs now reaching epidemic proportions. I suspect that Vallee's book may be the opening shot in a media war whose purpose will be to connect the occult, right-wing fanatacism, and animal mutilations to the UFO, all in an effort to cast doubt on the vast power and benign intent of the saucer phenomenon. Vallee's title 'Messengers of Deception' bears a curious resemblance to J. Edgar Hoover's 'Masters of Deceit'. There the boogey man was communism. In Vallee's book we are told the new boogey man is UFO phenomenon. Who chose the title for Vallee's book? Was it Vallee or the mysterious major who was so helpful in guiding Vallee down these new avenues of speculation? I believe that Vallee whether wittingly or unwittingly is himself a messenger of deception and has become the spearhead of a conscious effort to sow even deeper confusion in society regarding UFOs.
We might say it is an effort foredoomed to failure. The collective overmind of our species is the source of the UFO and its designs cannot be deflected or turned aside. Its viewpoint is one of thousands of years and its means visionary and charismatic belief systems which act to restore the balance between understanding of and reverence for the universe is a message more powerful than any offered by the profane materialist societies that have grown so foolish as to imagine themselves the stewards of human destiny. Humanity alone and each of us individualy is the steward of human destiny. This is the real meaning of the UFOs and the experiment at La Chorrera.

Chapter 21: Open Ending

have proven otherwise. DMT concentration has not been proven to differ
significantly in schizophrenic and normal controls. Studies have
established the presence of DMT in the human body, however the origin
and significance of the DMT is unknown. Although it may reflect
endogenous synthesis, it could also result from diet, bacterial
byproducts, human laboratory error, or other sources. Bearing in mind
the bizarre power of the DMT experience, its presence and unknown role
in human metabolism, add one more fact: the strange aura of
suggestibility that can precede the onset of the intense hallucination
phase of the DMT experience. This period of suggestibility may last 15
seconds to a minute, and is a time during which the assumptions which
the experient projects concerning the unusual shift of sensory input
acquires enormous power. A few moments later the power of the now
numinous assumption overwhelmes the consciousness of the observer with a
scenario while totally bizarre and outrageous nevertheless is somehow a
complete psychological fulfillment of the expectations formed in the
few minutes of transition that preceded the visionary engulfment.
What I am proposing is that something like this happens during a UFO
close encounter and the cause may very well be something which must be
partially sought in the human organism. Imagine a person wandering alone
in unfamiliar country: suddenly there's a hackle-raising sense of
weirdness, then a feeling of numbness in the limbs, followed by a
clearing of vision and a loud crackling sound. At this point the sense
of strangeness within and without the body would trigger a fear reaction
in most people. The fear reaction causes a rapid and automatic search
for a culturally-validated explaination of what is going on, and an
explaination will always be found. It may range from, 'I am being
bewitched by a demon,' to 'Surely it is a visitation of the Holy
Mother,' to 'My God! It must be a UFO!' In each case the abandonment of
the ego to a culturally prescribed explanation of the experience of the
Other causes the experience to exfoliate, exploit and elaborate all the
themes that the culture's current myth of the Other entails. It is known
that DMT binds preferentially to certain tissue when introduced into
the human body. Is it not possible that we human beings are occasionally
susceptible to a kind of visionary seizure? When for reasons of stress
or diet these factors combine with psychodynamic factors to initiate a
sudden dumping of accumulated DMT? Pheremones may play a part in this
experience and isolation may be its trigger. Whatever its cause, our
conditioning as individuals causes the experience to plunge us into a
numinous scenario that reflects the deepest concerns and yearnings of
the current culture toward the Other. In our own time this has given
rise to the hope of friendly visiting extraterrestrials. As late as 1917
the miracle at Fatima was interpreted worldwide as a manifestation of
the Virgin Mary. Today it would surely be hailed as an extraterrestrial
contact. If my suggestion regarding DMT were found to be correct, it
would provide insight into the way in which the cultural feedback
thermostat explanation of UFOs put forth by Vallee and others actually
works. Those people who experience the DMT seizure and are plunged into
the current myth of the Other actually return as apostles of that myth,
able to clarify and refine it, and by those means to exert the tuning
and control of historical development that may be the purpose of the
agency behind the UFOs.
Stress, generalized as an impending sense of historical crisis, may be the factor that induces the UFO/close-contact experience. As the historical crisis deepens the number of contacts will increase until the atemporal portion of the mass psyche has effected enough individuals that there is actually a turning away from the stress-causing course of action. How well is the Superego able to play the role of God? Can it come in saucerian splendor to save the world from the flames at the end of time? Or can it only beckon and warn with visions and dire prophecy? These are questions that we might answer if we diligently explore the states of mind that DMT and psilocybin make available. Perhaps the UFO encounters involve nothing more than an autonomous and negative psychic complex able to emerge during the situation of unusual energy dynamics induced in the psyche by psilocybin. However, a different explainatory approach merges psyche and world by involving a continuum whose modalities bisect each other with equal ease. This is the approach which grants the phenomenological existence of the constructs seen in the Stropharia trance and in UFO encounters. Indeed, the vast and dreamy world that we call imagination, or the unconscious, may merge imperceptibly into autonomously existing worlds we would call 'hyperdimensional', indicating the paradox of their simultaneous invisibility and their here-and-nowness in the psilocybin trance with a presence which belies the term hallucination.
Ahead of us lies the future, where we can expect the ingression of the alternative dimension to intensify. It is therefore important for us to have a sense of the powers in that Other world and their shifting agencies. In a traditional society, our exploration of these matters would be firmly imbedded in the extant shamanic mythos concerning these forces. Techniques tried and true would be available to fortify our psychic constitution. Since we are members of a profane society whose relation to the unconscious is one of estrangement, we have no such consolation. No dispelling ritual or words of proven self-empowerment. By reason and intuition we must attempt to conquer the fears that attend journeys into the unknown. But reason and intuition need data with which to construct maps of reality. If we outdistance the inflow of fact we move beyond the safety zone of the conjuring rod of intuition and reason. For these reasons we move slowly and steadily. We are human factors in a multi-variable equation where the shift of unseen parameters can trigger large perturbations and resonances of unexpected types. Knowing this, and knowing how little we do know, we should be excused for this defense of caution when taking to ourselves the visions which the Stropharia brings.
Carl Jung's 'Mysterium Coniunctionis' reminds us of the reality of the situation that insues once the psyche is hooked into making the transference to the alchemical or saucerian goal. Jung, citing Gerhart Dorn, stresses that the materialization of the stone is only a prologue to the experience of the perfected self in a state of illumination. Jung wrote, 'Though we know from experience that psychic processes are related to material ones, we are not in a position to say in what this relationship consists, or how it is possible at all. Precisely because the psyche and the physical are mutually dependent it has often been conjectured that they may be identical somewhere beyond our present experience.' Of what does this relationship consist? My own hunch, and it is only a hunch, is that an explicitly spatial dimension - of a co-dimension inclusive of our continuum - allows a hologram of other realized forms of organization, far distant, to become visible at certain levels of quantum resonance in the synaptic field. These levels have been damped by selection in favor of more directly relevant lines of information relating to animal survival. Evolution does not reinforce selectively the ability of an organism to perceive at a distance since such an ability has no selective advantage, unless the information it conveys falls upon the receptors of an organism already sophisicated enough in its use of symbols to abstract concepts for later application in different contexts.
Thus, these quantum resonances carrying intimations of events at a distance only begin to acquire genetic reinforcement once a species has already achieved sufficient sophistication to be called conscious and mind-possessing. The use of hallucinogens can be seen as an attempt at medical engineering which amplifies, for inspection by consciousness, the quantum resonance of the other parts of the spatial continuum holographically at hand.
This experience is the vision which the UFOs and psilocybin impart: visions of strange planets, life forms, perspectives and societies, machines, ruins, landscapes. The hierophanies all unfold in a 'nunc-stans' that has all space—standing in it—like a frozen hologram. Thus, experimentation with hallucinogens by human beings and the rise in endogenously produced hallucinogens as one advances through the primate phylogeny could both be due to a slow focusing on the phenomenon of imagination. Imagination being the deepening involvement of the species with things beheld but not actually existing in the present at hand. The conclusion such an idea makes necessary is that it is upon the ideological content of specific visions that empirical attention should center. What are the working details of the worlds whose presence impinges on ours so strongly? What of the beings sometimes confronted often furtively sensed, who seem to have some existence in a world of their own revealed by the psilocybin and in UFO contact? There may exist a vast communication network in the topological nature of things. A network that becomes a fact only for those species or individuals who will but have the intelligence enough to seek this vision. It will by them be found to be persistent in the nature of things. Alchemy thrives in a climate of such ideas. To validate the idea of the worth of the visions of worlds at a distance one must emerge with some idea spawned by the visionary Other but with a utility in the here and now. The wave quantification of the I ching is the only idea of this sort that I personally have glimpsed in completeness. It took years to elaborate and its relation to the here and now is still elusive. Fragmentary themes abound: symbiosis, saucer-lens vehicles whose possessors navigate the higher topological oceans in our heads. All this could be transference and fantasy. In the classical sense of the word the experimenter with hallucinogens pursues gnosis: privileged knowledge concerning nature
and vouchsafed by her in ecstasy. The history of consciousness
is the halting exploration of the once irrational images and processes met in dreams and trance. Such images become concepts and discoveries as information flows through the multiple-continuum of being seeking equilibrium, yet paradoxically carrying everywhere images of ways the flow towards entropy was locally reversed by this being or that society or phenomenon. We are immersed in a holographic ocean of places and ideas. We can understand this to whatever depth we are able. The ocean of images and the intricacy of their connections is infinite. It is perhaps why great genius preceeds by apparent leaps. Because the revolutionary idea which inspires the genius comes upon one complete, entire by itself, from the ocean of mind. History is the story of the search for the intuitive leap that will reveal the very mechanism of that other dimension. The need for such a leap by humanity will grow as we exhaust complexity in all realms save the microphysical and the psychological. My own method has been immersion in the images and self- examination of the phenomenon of tryptamine hallucinogenesis. This means taking the Stropharia psilocybe and pondering just what this all may mean. With confidence that as more people come to share this experience time will deepen our understanding, if not answer all questions. For psilocybin argues that hallucinogens are windows into higher dimensions. That even as a cone can yield circle, ellipse or parabola to an act of two-dimensional sectioning and yet remain intrinsically a cone, so reality is something that changes according to the angle of regarding. It argues that human beings are many forms over vast scales of time, that all life is unified at some level, and all intelligence in the universe are but facets of the mystery called humanness. In probing the Other we shall always come back with images of ourselves. In probing ourselves we shall return with images of the Other. In the phenomenon of being itself no less than in the phenomenon of the UFO encounters we are merely privileged observers of a relationship between what is naively called the world and the transpersonal portion of the human psyche. How this relationship came to be, and what its limitations are, we cannot know until we gain access to the transpersonal and atemporal part of the psyche. Of what this consists we do not know and no hypothesis can be ruled out. My hunch is that if we could really comprehend death then we could understand the UFO. But that neither can be understood unless they are looked at in light of the question, what is humanness? I believe that the transpersonal component of the human psyche is not distinct from matter and that therefore it can literally do anything. It is not subject to the will of any individual. It has a will and an understanding that is orders of magnitude more sophisticated than any one of the individuals who compose it as cells compose a body. It has a plan, glimpsed by individuals only as vision or religious hierophany. Nevertheless, the plan is unfolding. There will be many more UFO sightings, many more close contacts. Our belief systems are undergoing accelerated evolution via increased input from the other. Somewhere ahead of us there is a critical barrier where we will at last have enough data to obtain an integrating insight into the riddle of humanity's relation to the UFO. I believe that as this happens the childhood of our species will pass away and when this is done we will be free to use the staggering understanding that humankind and the UFO are one.
Stress, generalized as an impending sense of historical crisis, may be the factor that induces the UFO/close-contact experience. As the historical crisis deepens the number of contacts will increase until the atemporal portion of the mass psyche has effected enough individuals that there is actually a turning away from the stress-causing course of action. How well is the Superego able to play the role of God? Can it come in saucerian splendor to save the world from the flames at the end of time? Or can it only beckon and warn with visions and dire prophecy? These are questions that we might answer if we diligently explore the states of mind that DMT and psilocybin make available. Perhaps the UFO encounters involve nothing more than an autonomous and negative psychic complex able to emerge during the situation of unusual energy dynamics induced in the psyche by psilocybin. However, a different explainatory approach merges psyche and world by involving a continuum whose modalities bisect each other with equal ease. This is the approach which grants the phenomenological existence of the constructs seen in the Stropharia trance and in UFO encounters. Indeed, the vast and dreamy world that we call imagination, or the unconscious, may merge imperceptibly into autonomously existing worlds we would call 'hyperdimensional', indicating the paradox of their simultaneous invisibility and their here-and-nowness in the psilocybin trance with a presence which belies the term hallucination.

Ahead of us lies the future, where we can expect the ingression of the alternative dimension to intensify. It is therefore important for us to have a sense of the powers in that Other world and their shifting agencies. In a traditional society, our exploration of these matters would be firmly imbedded in the extant shamanic mythos concerning these forces. Techniques tried and true would be available to fortify our psychic constitution. Since we are members of a profane society whose relation to the unconscious is one of estrangement, we have no such consolation. No dispelling ritual or words of proven self-empowerment. By reason and intuition we must attempt to conquer the fears that attend journeys into the unknown. But reason and intuition need data with which to construct maps of reality. If we outdistance the inflow of fact we move beyond the safety zone of the conjuring rod of intuition and reason. For these reasons we move slowly and steadily. We are human factors in a multi-variable equation where the shift of unseen parameters can trigger large perturbations and resonances of unexpected types. Knowing this, and knowing how little we do know, we should be excused for this defense of caution when taking to ourselves the visions which the Stropharia brings.
Carl Jung's 'Mysterium Coniunctionis' reminds us of the reality of the situation that insues once the psyche is hooked into making the transference to the alchemical or saucerian goal. Jung, citing Gerhart Dorn, stresses that the materialization of the stone is only a prologue to the experience of the perfected self in a state of illumination. Jung wrote, 'Though we know from experience that psychic processes are related to material ones, we are not in a position to say in what this relationship consists, or how it is possible at all. Precisely because the psyche and the physical are mutually dependent it has often been conjectured that they may be identical somewhere beyond our present experience.' Of what does this relationship consist? My own hunch, and it is only a hunch, is that an explicitly spatial dimension - of a co-dimension inclusive of our continuum - allows a hologram of other realized forms of organization, far distant, to become visible at certain levels of quantum resonance in the synaptic field. These levels have been damped by selection in favor of more directly relevant lines of information relating to animal survival. Evolution does not reinforce selectively the ability of an organism to perceive at a distance since such an ability has no selective advantage, unless the information it conveys falls upon the receptors of an organism already sophisicated enough in its use of symbols to abstract concepts for later application in different contexts.
Thus, these quantum resonances carrying intimations of events at a distance only begin to acquire genetic reinforcement once a species has already achieved sufficient sophistication to be called conscious and mind-possessing. The use of hallucinogens can be seen as an attempt at medical engineering which amplifies, for inspection by consciousness, the quantum resonance of the other parts of the spatial continuum holographically at hand.
This experience is the vision which the UFOs and psilocybin impart: visions of strange planets, life forms, perspectives and societies, machines, ruins, landscapes. The hierophanies all unfold in a 'nunc-stans' that has all space—standing in it—like a frozen hologram. Thus, experimentation with hallucinogens by human beings and the rise in endogenously produced hallucinogens as one advances through the primate phylogeny could both be due to a slow focusing on the phenomenon of imagination. Imagination being the deepening involvement of the species with things beheld but not actually existing in the present at hand. The conclusion such an idea makes necessary is that it is upon the ideological content of specific visions that empirical attention should center. What are the working details of the worlds whose presence impinges on ours so strongly? What of the beings sometimes confronted often furtively sensed, who seem to have some existence in a world of their own revealed by the psilocybin and in UFO contact? There may exist a vast communication network in the topological nature of things. A network that becomes a fact only for those species or individuals who will but have the intelligence enough to seek this vision. It will by them be found to be persistent in the nature of things. Alchemy thrives in a climate of such ideas. To validate the idea of the worth of the visions of worlds at a distance one must emerge with some idea spawned by the visionary Other but with a utility in the here and now. The wave quantification of the I ching is the only idea of this sort that I personally have glimpsed in completeness. It took years to elaborate and its relation to the here and now is still elusive. Fragmentary themes abound: symbiosis, saucer-lens vehicles whose possessors navigate the higher topological oceans in our heads. All this could be transference and fantasy. In the classical sense of the word the experimenter with hallucinogens pursues gnosis: privileged knowledge concerning nature
and vouchsafed by her in ecstasy. The history of consciousness
is the halting exploration of the once irrational images and processes met in dreams and trance. Such images become concepts and discoveries as information flows through the multiple-continuum of being seeking equilibrium, yet paradoxically carrying everywhere images of ways the flow towards entropy was locally reversed by this being or that society or phenomenon. We are immersed in a holographic ocean of places and ideas. We can understand this to whatever depth we are able. The ocean of images and the intricacy of their connections is infinite. It is perhaps why great genius preceeds by apparent leaps. Because the revolutionary idea which inspires the genius comes upon one complete, entire by itself, from the ocean of mind. History is the story of the search for the intuitive leap that will reveal the very mechanism of that other dimension. The need for such a leap by humanity will grow as we exhaust complexity in all realms save the microphysical and the psychological. My own method has been immersion in the images and self- examination of the phenomenon of tryptamine hallucinogenesis. This means taking the Stropharia psilocybe and pondering just what this all may mean. With confidence that as more people come to share this experience time will deepen our understanding, if not answer all questions. For psilocybin argues that hallucinogens are windows into higher dimensions. That even as a cone can yield circle, ellipse or parabola to an act of two-dimensional sectioning and yet remain intrinsically a cone, so reality is something that changes according to the angle of regarding. It argues that human beings are many forms over vast scales of time, that all life is unified at some level, and all intelligence in the universe are but facets of the mystery called humanness. In probing the Other we shall always come back with images of ourselves. In probing ourselves we shall return with images of the Other. In the phenomenon of being itself no less than in the phenomenon of the UFO encounters we are merely privileged observers of a relationship between what is naively called the world and the transpersonal portion of the human psyche. How this relationship came to be, and what its limitations are, we cannot know until we gain access to the transpersonal and atemporal part of the psyche. Of what this consists we do not know and no hypothesis can be ruled out. My hunch is that if we could really comprehend death then we could understand the UFO. But that neither can be understood unless they are looked at in light of the question, what is humanness? I believe that the transpersonal component of the human psyche is not distinct from matter and that therefore it can literally do anything. It is not subject to the will of any individual. It has a will and an understanding that is orders of magnitude more sophisticated than any one of the individuals who compose it as cells compose a body. It has a plan, glimpsed by individuals only as vision or religious hierophany. Nevertheless, the plan is unfolding. There will be many more UFO sightings, many more close contacts. Our belief systems are undergoing accelerated evolution via increased input from the other. Somewhere ahead of us there is a critical barrier where we will at last have enough data to obtain an integrating insight into the riddle of humanity's relation to the UFO. I believe that as this happens the childhood of our species will pass away and when this is done we will be free to use the staggering understanding that humankind and the UFO are one.
This article encapsulates Dr. Jacques Vallee's
and Dr. Karla Turner's work.
of thousands of people in many parts of the world are claiming
they are encountering UFO entities in one way or another. They
have had what is called an "Close Encounter of the Third or
Fourth Kind", a term used by ufologist J. Allen Hynek. There is
also growing public interest in this phenomena due to media
attention. Some CONTACTEES AND ABDUCTEES and also some claiming
to be channeling extra-terrestrials are being revealed the following
kinds of information:
- We
are not alone in the Universe. We are told - this earth has
been visited many times in the past and presently by
different types of extra-terrestrials. These ET's have been
involved with our creation, evolution, religions, myths, beliefs,
etc. Some contactees are being told that
humans are the consequence of ET encounters with earlier forms
of man. Without this contact man never would have evolved to
the point we have. Rael, the chosen prophet and messiah of
the Raelian movement was told as as contactee, that mankind
was created by a group of ET's called the Elohim using
advanced genetic engineering in laboratories 4. Others who
believe in the messages of the Pleiadians are told, that the
Pleiadian ancestors were some of the Original Planners of Earth
who seeded this and other worlds.12 What ever the explanation we are
told ET's are involved with our evolution and creation. Some
contactees are being told that: "Humankind stands now in the
transitional period before the dawn of a New Age. (With
peace, love and understanding, the people of Earth will see a
great new era begin to dawn.) The Space Beings are here to
teach, to help awaken the human spirit, to help humankind rise to
higher levels of vibration so that the people of Earth may be
ready to enter new dimensions. 1. We are poised for a quantum
leap forward on both the biological and spiritual levels.
The human soul will evolve. "If the Earthlings
should not raise their vibratory rate within a set period of
time, severe earth changes and major cataclysms will take
place. (Such disasters will not end the world, but shall serve
as cataclysmic crucibles to burn off the dross of
unreceptive humanity. Those who die in such dreadful purging
will be allowed to reincarnate on higher levels of development
so that their salvation will be more readily accomplished through
higher teachings on a higher vibratory level.)" 2 Others
are being told that the receptive or chosen will be saved by
benign ET's and their ships when these disasters take place.
Some like the Raelians are told they will experience some
kind of eternal existence through further genetic engineering
ie. cloning. A major leap in consciousness and
evolution is about to take place: Crop circles, UFO sightings
and contactee and abductee experiences are preparing those
who are receptive of these changes. Events such as the
Harmonic Convergence are lifting the veil so the Higher
Galactic intelligences of the universe will be able to channel
their energies and influences to facilitate the shift
towards a New Age.12
Evidence for these claims are: the many abductee and contactee
experiences with similar stories and messages, physical scars, hybrid
babies, recognition of some kind of symbolic or hieroglyphic
language etc. There seems to be according to researchers
increasing cases worldwide of UFO sightings, crop or landing
circles, animal mutilations, abductions of men, women and
to Dr. Karla Turner, who has worked with over 400 abduction
cases and has written the book "Into the Fringe", says if
abduction accounts can be believed and there is confirmation of
many of these facts with other researchers - the abduction
phenomena includes some of the following details: from -UFO
Universe, Spring 1993. Aliens -Friends or Foes by Dr. Karla Turner:
- Aliens can alter our perceptions of our surroundings.
- Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us any number of guises and shapes.
- Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make themselves only partially visible.
- Abductees receive marks on their bodies
other than the well-known scoops and straight-line scars.
These other marks include single punctures, multiple punctures,
large bruises, three-and four fingered claw marks, and trangles of
every possible sort.
- Female abductees often suffer serious
gynecological problems after their alien encounters, and
sometimes these problems lead to cysts, tumors, cancer of the breast
and uterus, and to hysterectomies.
- A surprising number of abductees suffer
from serious illnesses they didn't have before their
encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death
from causes the doctors can't identify.
- Abductees often encounter more than one
sort of alien during an experience, not just the greys. Every
possible combination of grey, reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow's
peak have been seen during single abductions, aboard the
same craft or in the same facility.
- Abductees report being scoffed at, jeered
at, and threatened by their alien captors. Painful genital
and anal probes are performed... Unknown fluids are injected into
some abductees.
- Abductees-"virgin" cases- report being
taken to underground facilities where they see grotesque
hybrid creatures, nurseries of hybrid humanoid fetuses, and
vats of colored liquid filled with parts of human bodies.
- Abductees report seeing other humans in
these facilities being drained of blood, being mutilated,
flayed, and dismembered, and stacked, lifeless like cords of wood.
Some abductees have been threatened that they, too, will end up
in this condition if they don't co-operate with their alien
- Aliens come into homes and temporarily
remove young children, leaving their distraught parents
paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a parent has been able to
protest, the aliens insist that "The children belong to
- Aliens have forced their human abductees
to have sexual intercourse with aliens and even with other
abductees while groups of aliens observe these performances. In such
encounters, the aliens have sometimes disguised themselves in
order to gain the cooperation of the abductee, appearing
in such forms as Jesus, the Pope, certain celebrities, and
even the dead spouses of the abductees.
- Aliens perform extremely painful
experiments or procedures on abductees, saying that these acts are
necessary but give no explanation why.....Painful genital and
anal probes are performed, on children as well as adults.
- Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and destruction. They say that a certain number of humans...will be "rescued" from the planet in order to continue the species, either on another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over. Many abductees report they don't believe their alien captors and foresee instead a much more sinister use of the "rescued" humans.
every instance from this list, there are multiple reports from
unrelated cases, confirming that such bizarre details are not
the product of a single deranged mind. These details are
convincing evidence that, contrary to the claims of many UFO
researchers, the abduction experience isn't limited to uniform pattern
of events. This phenomenon simply can't be explained in terms of
cross- breeding experiments or scientific research into the
human physiology....... Before we allow ourselves to believe in
the benevolence of the alien interaction , we should ask, do
enlightened beings need to use the cover of night to perform
good deeds? Do they need to paralyze us and render us helpless
to resist? Do angels need to steal our fetuses? Do they need to
manipulate our children's genitals and probe our rectums? Are
fear, pain, and deception consistent with high spiritual
motives?" ......Dr. Karla Turner.
1. The Fellowship, by Brad Steiger.
2. Ibid pp. 47
3. Ibid pp. 185
4. The Messages Given To Me By The Extra-terrestials -Rael
5. Operation Trojan Horse- John Keel pp. 200-232
6. Dimensions- Dr. Jacque Vallee
7. Transformation The Breakthrough- Whitley Striber pp. 180, 240.
8. Messengers of Deception- Dr. J. Vallee. Last chapter.
9. UFO'S in the New Age- William M. Alnor , Baker Book House 1992.
1. The Fellowship, by Brad Steiger.
2. Ibid pp. 47
3. Ibid pp. 185
4. The Messages Given To Me By The Extra-terrestials -Rael
5. Operation Trojan Horse- John Keel pp. 200-232
6. Dimensions- Dr. Jacque Vallee
7. Transformation The Breakthrough- Whitley Striber pp. 180, 240.
8. Messengers of Deception- Dr. J. Vallee. Last chapter.
9. UFO'S in the New Age- William M. Alnor , Baker Book House 1992.
there seems to be evidence for UFO related activities as
mentioned above, perhaps there are other possible explanations.
Many UFO paranormal, psychic, and spiritistic manifestations,
etc.5,6. Many abductees, contactees and researchers believe there
is an inter-dimensional or multidimensional quality to the UFO
phenomena and experiences with ET's. . Although the UFO phenomena
maybe real it also could be a holographic illusion or a
transmorification of matter and energy. Perhaps ET's are entities
that have power to shape matter and spirit. Some alien life forms
seem to have an ability to shape shift and appear and disappear
5,6. Dr. J. Allen Hynek suggested the phenomena appears to be
more psychic than extra-terrestrial and perhaps comes from a
parallel world. This also seems to be Dr. Vallee's explanation 6,
Vallee also notes that there are authoritarian overtones to some
of the messages given to contactees 8 i.e.. democracy is
obsolete, elections should be done away with 4, racist ideologies
are encouraged - some have more alien DNA etc., a New World
Order is needed and will be set up with alien help. He also
believes that some kind of control system is being set up by the UFO
phenomena which challenges our traditions and human beliefs systems
6,8. Many abductees report implants and feel they are being
manipulated for some unknown purpose that's yet to be revealed.
of the messages given to abductees and contactees seem to be New
Age in philosophical orientation and language: there are no
moral absolutes, reincarnation is taught, monistic beliefs such
as a vague "kinship with the Cosmos and it's oneness with the
Universe or the Universe as a supreme being" are common, we are
being told that "we stand on the precipice of a quantum leap
forward on both a biological and spiritual level." Man is or is
becoming God...etc. 3,13.
man is one with the cosmos or some impersonal concept of God
there cannot be a basis for truth or ethics. The impersonal, as
such is silent about such things. There is no basis for saying
anything is right or wrong if all is one with God. What you are
left with is total relativism or the arbitrary absolutes of the
controllers who ever they may be. "If All is One , good and evil
are reconciled, then one can can do nothing bad; thus Manson was only
acting logically....the fact that Manson's followers knew him as
both Satan and Christ highlights the collapse of distinctions
between good and evil under moral relativity".13.
well, finite alien creators cannot provide sufficient absolutes.
You have the same problems as pagan polytheism - the gods are
too small to account for the creation of the universe and not
good enough to provide a basis of morals and truth. Is abducting
and raping women okay if extra-terrestrials do it? Also, why all
the authoritarian overtones to some of the messages? Do they
really have our best interest in mind or is there evidence of some kind
of control system?
are several alien types taking credit for the creation of man
and now some contactees like Rael and Benjamin Cream are claiming
to be prophets of some messianic authority. In fact Rael is
claiming to be the new final prophet and chosen "Messiah" of this
age...chosen by a group of extra-terrestrials who call
themselves the Elohim who told Rael that they created the human
race through genetic engineering. Rael has over 35,000 followers world
wide who call themselves Raelians...and they wish with the Elohim
help -to usher in a world government ruled by an authoritarian
elite. 4.
is promoting another "messiah" he calls "Maitreya". Full page
ads in newspapers around the world has announced that this world
teacher is in the world to-day. Cream is also convinced that the
intelligences behind the crop circle phenomena are paving the way
for the soon unveiling of his messiah who will usher in a New
World Order and a New Age.
Ambrose, a famous abductee who was "born again" as she said as a
result her encounter with a strange "grey" type alien with
bright sparkling eyes predicted at a recent UFO conference in
Bellevue, Washington; that "evolution was entering a "peak cycle"
that will create a New Order on the planet. Polarization is
occurring on this planet to separate those who will accept the
message and evolve toward Unity and Oneness and self-realized
Godhood and those who will not not."
alien prophesies to contactees of the 50's or to-day have failed
to come true or appear to be outright lies. 14. Many contactees
and abductees to-day are again delivering warnings of coming
earth changes and disasters along with promises of help from
aliens...they feel chosen to deliver a message to mankind ...the
prophesies are creating a false hope and dependency in their
abductors who they know little about.
what are we dealing with? New Age aliens with some promise of a
golden age or some unimaginable deception to enslave undiscerning
minds. The evidence seems to point to the latter. There have
been many false messianic claims and those foolish enough to
repeat history by following the voices of deceiving entities have
been warned to "beware of false prophets and Christ's who come
disguised as sheep but underneath are ravenous wolves ".10 We
should be reminded of the likes of Adolf Hitler who not long ago
promised a New Age to unsuspecting Germans.
Striber, in a recent issue of the monthly MUFON Journal, Sept.
93, states - "I've come away from this experience convinced of one
thing: if there aren't demons out there, there might as well be,
because these guys are indistinguishable from demons.
Indistinguishable. To see them, to look into their eyes, is to be
less - forever......." Striber seems to swing from horror to
naive trust.. you see this in his books and statements to the
public. Perhaps, he is not so sure of the visitor's intentions.
we should heed the old warning; 'If, anyone says to you then,
"Look, here is the Christ" or, "He is there", do not believe it;
for false Christ and false prophets will arise and produce great
signs and portents, enough to deceive even the chosen ,
if that were possible."11
if that were possible."11
UFO researchers suggest that perhaps the so called 'aliens'
aren't much of a threat, after all if they have been around for
this long and have not taken over then why should we be concerned.
However, if they are not what they appear to be, and the
phenomena has other potentials and realities which include:
deception, false messianic claims, dangerous ideologies, the formation
of cults, etc., then for historical, social and political reasons
we should not abandon our need for discernment and caution.
1. The Fellowship, by Brad Steiger.2. Ibid pp. 47
3. Ibid pp. 185
4. The Messages Given To Me By The Extra-terrestrials -Rael
5. Operation Trojan Horse- John Keel pp. 200-232
6. Dimensions- Dr. Jacque Vallee
7. Transformation The Breakthrough- Whitley Striber pp. 180, 240.
8. Messengers of Deception- Dr. J. Vallee. Last chapter.
9. UFO'S in the New Age- William M. Alnor , Baker Book House 1992.
10. Matthew 7:15-20
11. Matthew 24: 23-28, 1 John 2:18-23, 1 John 4:1-6, 1 Thess 2:1-12.
12. Teachings of the Pleadians- Bringers of the Dawn.
13. Understanding the New Age- Russell Chandler, Word Publishing, 1988.
14. Deuteronomy 18:9-22.
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